“MoodCloud is a sound and light installation that was done as a part of Microsoft Research’s MakeFest 2014. This installation allows the viewer to understand the emotional content as well as activity levels around any searched topic over time.” — Melissa Quintanilha played a lead role on this project, see more about the project on her portfolio here including a video of her demonstration at MakeFest.

MoodCloud  was selected to be part of Microsoft Employee Art Exhibit and it was in display from June till September 2014.

MoodCloud was selected to be part of Microsoft Employee Art Exhibit and it was in display from June till September 2014.

“Different than word clouds, which only provides a snapshot in time and doesn’t give an indication of the emotions around the topics, MoodCloud allows for an ambient experience where viewers can, over time, see and listen to the activity of topics on Twitter.  For a certain topic, we search the most popular tweets about the topic and each tweet gets assigned a mood as they get mentioned live.”


Colors represented mood around a topic as expressed on Twitter.

Colors represented mood around a topic as expressed on Twitter.

Aside from participating in the brainstorming, my role for this project was to perform the Twitter search and sentiment analysis, and then integrate results with the project through a web API (steps 1-3 below).

Melissa’s illustration for how it works:




MoodCloud | 2014 | ArtandTech, Installations | Comments (0)