Innovation Research Overview

I have Ph.D. in Social Psychology and B.A. in Fine Art, and for the majority of my career (2000 to 2021) worked as an innovation researcher for R&D groups in both large-scale technology companies and startups, specializing in emerging community, communication, and civic technologies.

In this context I fell in love with the process of working with collaborative, interdisciplinary teams of developers, designers, researchers, and artists with a particular creative goal in mind — innovating new socio-technical solutions that have a meaningful impact on people’s lives.  My strength as a researcher, artist, and project leader is the ability to coalesce innovation teams, and then lead them through the design cycle toward novel, impactful outcomes — ranging from new social software, to academic papers, to art installations, to social outcomes such as civic well-being.

In my history traversing across boundaries between different communities of practice, I find the most creative outcomes are derived from interdisciplinary work — and enabling such collaboration is my passion.

Since 2021, I have focused my attention on developing collaborative art, design, and tech communities as the President of Third Place Technologies. To this day, whether analyzing social data, prototyping a new technology, organizing a project team, or creating a new piece of art, I consider myself primarily an innovation researcher, engaged in those creative cycles that lead to new innovation. Whether new knowledge, new tech, new art, new communities — where there was nothing, now there is something new.

Please see my research portfolio for my history of research projects.

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